In this STEM lesson plan for preschool and elementary-aged kids, you’ll learn all about butterflies and bugs! Explore the four stages of metamorphosis, read about the life of a world-traveling bug scientist, and make a paper fan that emphasizes one of the coolest things about butterflies – they grow from the inside out!

Resources in This Lesson

Resource 1

Explore the wondrous world of butterflies and the four stages of metamorphosis in this fun and informative Rosie Explores!

Butterflies and Metamorphosis young girl wearing butterfly wings next to a detailed image of a monarch butterfly

Rosie Explores Butterflies and Metamorphosis

Join Rosie Girl Veronica as she shares butterfly facts and outlines the four stages of metamorphosis!

Resource 2

We love stories that explore the lives of real women in STEM! Check out Evelyn the Adventurous Entomologist, the true story of Evelyn Cheesman, the first woman to take charge of the Insect House at the London Zoo.

Rosie Reads Banner and book cover of Eveyln the Adventurous Entomologist

Rosie Reads Evelyn the Adventurous Entomologist

Read about the life of Evelyn Cheesman, a world-traveling bug scientist!

Resource 3

Add some scientific pizzazz to a classic paper fan to reinforce some of the amazing attributes of metamorphosis in this super fun Rosie Makes.

Caterpillar Fans a girl smiling while opening a metamorphosing caterpillar fan

Metamorphosing Caterpillar Fans

Cement your knowledge of butterflies and metamorphosis by creating a caterpillar fan!

Resource 4

Continue learning and exploring with some of these tried and tested Rosie Recommends activities from other STEM education resources.

Bug Activities a girl looking at a bug with a magnifying glass

Rosie Recommends Entomology (bug) Activities!

From insect pit stops to a buggy twist on a classic card game, we've curated a list of some of our favorite bug activities for you to explore.