• Our STEM projects are designed so that participants get it wrong before they get it right. You will observe your students struggling as they attempt to create their own STEM projects. This process is an empowering experience, building perseverance, frustration tolerance and growing overall confidence! With your support, students will step out of their comfort zones to think, build and problem-solve for themselves.
  • Productive Struggle Opportunities
    -Installing the batteries correctly in the battery pack.
    -Keeping the connections secure. If anything is loose the Art Bot will not work properly.
    -Ensuring that the positive (red) wires are connected to the positive (red) wires and vice
    versa for the negative (black) wires.
    - Paying attention to detail on where things may move or be knocked out of place as the
    motor is in constant motion.
    - Working to make sure the art bot is balanced so it can stay upright.
    -Making sure the positive (red) and negative (black) wires do not cross each other.
  • -Next Generation Science Standards: 4-PS3-4: Requires students to apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to another. MS-PS3-5: Students are expected to construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the kinetic energy of an object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object. HS-PS3-3: This standard involves designing, building, and refining a device that works within given constraints to convert one form of energy into another form of energy.

    -Virginia SOL: 5.4: Students learn about electricity, including basic circuits, conductors and insulators, and the transformation of electrical energy into other forms of energy.


Students will learn how to build a basic electrical circuit that powers a small motor, which drives their Art Bot to create patterns on paper.

Concept Overview

Electricity is a type of energy that makes many of the things we use every day work, like lights, TVs, and phones. It flows through wires in a path called a circuit, which can be open or closed—only a closed circuit lets electricity flow. When batteries are connected in a circuit  a chain reaction is activated and the product of that reaction is an electron.

There are two kinds of electricity: static, like when your hair stands up after rubbing a balloon, and current, which moves through wires. Electricity can come from different sources, like batteries or power plants, and we use materials, like metals, to carry it because they’re good conductors.

Science Goals

The student will investigate and understand that electricity is transmitted and used in daily life. 


Circuit: A circuit is a path or loop that electricity flows through. It usually has wires, a power source (like a battery), and something that uses electricity (like a light bulb).

Electricity: Electricity is a form of energy that can make things work, like lights and machines. It flows through wires to power things.

Insulator: An insulator is a material that blocks electricity and doesn’t let it pass through, like rubber or plastic.

Conductor: A conductor is a material that allows electricity to flow through it easily, like metal.

Required Materials

  • 2 AAA Batteries
  • 1 roll Electrical Tape
  • 1 3 Volt DC Motor
  • 1 battery holder
  • 1 plastic cup
  • markers
  • 1 square double-sided foam mounting tape
  • 1 posterboard
  • scissors

Step-By-Step Instructions

Step 1

Secure the cork to the motor by pressing the center of its base onto the motor shaft.

Step 2

Slide open the battery holder by pushing the three lines towards the smallest line on the side opposite the On/Off switch. Be sure the batteries are facing the correct direction by matching the + and – symbols on the batteries to the + and – symbols printed on the inside of the battery pack.

Step 3

Make sure the battery pack is switched to OFF. Connect the RED cable from the motor to the RED cable from the battery pack. Repeat this process with the BLACK wires.

Step 4

Cut a piece of 3M double sided tape in half and use one piece to secure the flat side of the motor to the bottom edge of the cup. Be sure to not cover the motor shaft (small pin in the center of the motor) and make sure that the cork can spin freely without hitting the cup.

Step 5

Use the other piece of 3m double sided tape to attach the battery pack to the side of the cup opposite the motor. Be sure that the on/off switch is facing out and down for ease of access.

Step 6

Secure your choice of markers to the outside of the cup with electrical tape. The goal is for the cup to stand up, with the markers supporting it as legs. Let your creativity fly!

Optional Classroom Activities

Resource 1

Have students form a circle around the room, holding small balls or paper crumpled into a ball to represent electrons. Explain that electricity is created by the movement of electrons, which are too small to see. When electrons flow through substances like wires, they create an electrical current that powers devices.

Designate yourself as the “battery” and explain that the circle represents a circuit, with students acting as a wire conductor. Demonstrate that your right hand is the battery’s negative end and your left hand is the positive end. Pass a ball (electron) from your right hand to the student on your right, instructing students to continue passing their ball to the next person until it returns to your left hand. This demonstrates how electrons flow in a closed circuit.

To show an open circuit, ask two students to step apart, creating a gap. Repeat the activity and explain that the break stops the flow of electrons, halting the current. This activity illustrates the difference between closed and open circuits.

Resource 2

To demonstrate static electricity, get a balloon and some small pieces of paper or tissue torn into confetti-sized pieces. Explain that static electricity is created when certain materials rub together, transferring electrons and creating an electric charge. Blow up the balloon, tie it, and rub it vigorously on your hair or a piece of fabric for about 30 seconds to build up a static charge. Slowly bring the balloon near the paper pieces and observe as the paper is attracted to and sticks to the balloon.

After the demonstration, ask the students why they think the paper sticks to the balloon, encouraging their observations. Explain that rubbing the balloon transfers electrons, giving it a negative charge, and the paper, which has a neutral charge, is attracted to this negative charge.